Endless Carnage

Still Shots
The Band
What is GorexCore


Updated: Dec. 22 04
Adnan Terzic officially hates you for the holiday season. But he loves FREE concerts at the VFW in littleton NH (on New Years...check out shows for more information)WE have officially started the damned vacation which means recordin is soon to follow and I think there was some mention of a music video which you will most likely see online in the near future. Also were working on a couple new songs 2 of which were played at the show on the 17th but they need much work. hopefully by the end of this vacation we will be tighter as a band and you will lvoe us more than ever.
Merry Carnage
Updated: Dec. 09 04
RIP Dimebag Darrell you had a good run and you will be greatly missed by all fans and nonfans alike
**Adnan** and Endless Carnage
RIP Dimebag.Thanks for your contribution to the industry. To one of metal's greatest, you will be missed!
-Brian Little and EC
Updated: December 08, 2004
So the way things are working is...We are having some sort of recording done at the show, either video or audio, more than likely, video. The day after that, we begin recording our first album, respectively titled, "The 11th Reason" Thanks to our good friend Josh Sophrin. More updates will come soon.

Dec. 02,
This is Brian Mc'Carnage I found out I work with the bassist of the Deligates, a very renound punk band, that tous and has been on warped tour before. He is a person to know, we will play with them in April. Just updating about that, Later!
Nov. 28,
We have a forum now so check it out. Comment and shit.
Nov. 27,
We are still working on this website. So, bare with us. As of now we are practicing more than ever, preparing for upcoming shows. We hope to be playing with ThoseNotOnTheList, The Mourning, and Dave Martin's new band. Shows will be posted. The site will be updated often, so check back at all times, or you will probably die.
Recording will take place throughout this month. 

True Strength Comes From Within