Endless Carnage

Still Shots
The Band
What is GorexCore

The Band

An Insight into our lives...

*Watch the world die around us, taste each other's blood and watch our wounds scar over...My name is Brian. I scream and co-write in this band to keep myself living. I like most music that involves intensity and well written lyrics. If you aren't moving around at one of our shows, I will not hesitate to stab your goddamn face. My influences include, mainly, Norma Jean, The Locust, It Dies Today, Remembering Never, The Red Chord, Glass Casket, Skinless, Cannibal Corpse, and Converge

*The dead rot as they breath…bathing in a plague I will not stop till I kill the disease…main influences are not you...they are Brewster from BTA and Ryan Parrish from Darkest Hour, and Dracula...I will kill you...trust me.

*With all my heart, I tear off your face, AND NAIL IT TO THE WALL! you had such a pretty face... I'm JJ and play bass for endless carnage. I started playing bass at my friends house 2 years ago and i just picked it up from there. I had expirenece with other instruments before bass so it sort of came on easy and also some of my other friends played guitar and stuff so i had the basics already down. I have been friends with all the members in the band for some time so we just decided to make a band and here we are. I also like to skateboard and snowboard because it's fun!

Justin the ripper, the ultimate St. J hardcore guitar shredder will kick you ass twice as hard as he kicked your moms ass when he found out she was pregnant with your retarted face. Greatly influenced by all music and thats what a real guitarist is all about.

Dylan aka die-lan will kill you if you you look at him wrong even though he is the nicest asshole you will ever meet and a rad guitarist his diverse style and his love of music deffinately makes a great contribution to EC and all other music.

"OH MAN look at all the girls for sale....I kid you not there is 165 pages of females on this website and you can put them in your shopping cart"

FUCK YOU I should cover your ass with raw meat and throw you into an aligator pit.